Ben Williamson

I like thinking about humans and systems


My Lego Mindstorms creations from back in the day.

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Notes on Noam Chomsky's speeches and interviews, with my own paraphrasing of main points. I'll add to this from time to time.

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I am not an artist, but I managed to make some portraits I really like. These are all scans of drawings made with pencil on paper.

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I Fix Tips

I made a website to encourage you to do something weird and uncomfortable when you eat out: Before you order, say how much you're going to tip.

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Iris Colemak Keyboard Layout

I use a split ortho/ergonomic mechanical keyboard, with the Colemak layout. It took considerable effort to switch to this setup in 2019, and I love it. Here I share details of the layout I landed on. If you have discomfort typing I hope you find this useful.

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